- Some useful info for ARK
- If the servers don't show up, go to the favorites tab on Steam->View->Servers-Favorites then click "Add A Server", then enter faithkills.com:47001 (or another port from the list below), then click "find games at this address", then click "add this game to favorites". Then launch the game and the servers should then show up on favorites or you can try to launch straight from that steam server list.
- Steam links for the servers
- Island (47001)
- Scorched Earth (47002)
- Aberration (47003)
- Extinction (47004)
- Genesis (47005)
- The Center (47006)
- Crystal Isles (47007)
- Genesis 2 (48004)
- Ark smart breeding App
- Download Ark Smart Breeding App (scroll to bottom)
- Latest export for Ark Smart Breeding
- Top Critters for gathering Gatherers
- How to whistle Whistling
- Tribe governance options Governance
- Great map Map
- Dino Dps Spreadsheet Dino DPS
- Teamspeak can be downloaded from here. Once you have installed it all you need to enter to connect is the address faithkills.com and some nickname, you can leave the port and password blank.
- Old working versions of teamspeak can be downloaded below. Once installed, all you need to enter to connect is the address faithkills.com and some nickname. You should leave the port and password blank/default.
- 64 Bit Teasmspeak Client v3.1.10
- 32 Bit Teasmspeak Client v3.1.10
- I will be shutting down servers soon. I have all the saves from every point in case anyone cares. For Amelia, and then myself, breeding and feeding and playing sliding puzzle with dinos became just too much work to be worth it. A game where you have to constantly worry about dinos starving and constantly farm to keep them fed turned out to be less fun than one might think.
- All creatures, stats, tameability, ridability, fav food, etc Dinos
- Scorched Earth Egg Locations
- Crystal Isles Egg Locations
- Magmasaur Egg Locations
- Rock Drake Egg Locations
- The below save files are updloaded every 120 minutes
- Ark Save files
- RussRagnarok Save File
- RussValguero Save File
- Spawn Maps updated every 15 minutes
- Island Level 150+ Wild Dinos
- Island Level 100+ High Value Targets
- Island Rares
- Island Alphas
- Extinction Level 150+ Wild Dinos
- Extinction Level 100+ High Value Targets
- Extinction Rares
- Scorched Earth Level 150+ Wild Dinos
- Scorched Earth Level 100+ High Value Targets
- Scorched Earth Rares
- Scorched Earth Alphas
- Aberration Level 150+ Wild Dinos
- Aberration Level 100+ High Value Targets
- Aberration Alphas
- Aberration Basilisks
- Some useful starting Warframe info
- Starting weapons should be Skana and Lato. Reason being those two, not being MK-1, can be used to make other weapons later, which will be a small savings. The choice of primay weapon isn't that important, but the bow is silent and the assault rifle easier to use.
- Starting warframe (class) isn't very important as all can be relatively easily gotten later, but Excalibur will be lowest to level farm, Mag highest level to farm, and Volt plans can be gotten if you're in a guild that has researched it. If you're concerned about actual usefulness, Mag seems least popular. Amelia likes Volt cuz chain lightning. Excalibur is popular for it's AE blind + melee DPS move combo.
- You can't see global chat until level 2. At which point you may wish you still didn't see it;)
- At first it will not be clear what to do and seem like there isn't much. That is very wrong, there is quite a daunting amount to do and number of options. Until that becomes more apparent follow the quest line. In particular you want the quests to get a hoverboard, a puppy, then archwings as soon as possible.
- Regarding the doggy, you can pet it when it gets unhappy, but don't feed it (genetic stabilizers) till you get level 5 and can build the nutrio segment. Until you have the nutrio, stabilizers cost fifteen times as much. If the doggy dies too much put it in stasis till you get the segment. Alternately don't mature the puppy right away. In that case you can't bring it to fight with you, but it will hang out on your ship as a cute puppy and not require food.
- All gear can be gotten w/o spending Plat ($ bought currency) although when you first look at the market that's not apparent. The best gear cannot be bought for Plat, excepting the 'prime access' packs which offer a couple of 'prime' items and some plat for $. Only a specific few are offerred at any one time. If you want to buy plat I would say wait for a sale or buy a prime access pack but again, plat doesn't get you anything you can't otherwise get (barring cosmetics) and most of the best things can't be bought with plat whatsoever.
- You'll wan't to join a clan because some recipes only come from clans. I got randomly invited to a large one with resources. I have invite privilege and can get you in if it's not full at the time. We could start our own clan but that would be work although there would be benefits.
- Leveling is slow, like EQ slow. To level your Tenno/Operator you level gear: Warframes(classes)/weapons/companions(combat pets). When your gear is maxed you can't get any more XP from them, thus you are forced to keep trying new things to advance. This also entails some planning ahead as crafting takes time. Ideally you want to have your next warframe and weapons of each category (primary/sidearm/melee) ready when the current one caps, and even more ideally you don't want them all brand new at the same time.
- When doing said planning it's probably helpful to know which weapons are components of other weapons and focus on those weapons first.
- Mats and most gear cannot be traded except for mods which can be. The best gear (prime, etc) can be traded, if it has not been used/ranked. Mods are how you customize warframe (class), weapons and companions.
- At a later point in the story/quest line you will have to make a choice of a focus (superordinate class) which is, for story reasons which I won't spoil, a one time choice. I would read over the detail in the link once you get a feel for the game, but the most popular seem to be Zenurik (utility), Vazarin (heal/defense), Naramon (melee+bonus XP from melee), Madurai (dps), Unairu (tanky) in that order. That's counterintuitive to me since dps and tankiness are popular in most games, but for sure read the details before you make a choice.
- Some useful starting Fortnite Save The World Info
- You can't group up until you have done the first 2 'missions'. In general missions tend to be about 20 minutes, some less, but in all cases you can certainly drag them out if you wish.
- Weapons cannot be repaired. They have to be found (which will suffice at first) or crafted anew when they break.
- Schematics (recipes) can be leveled up, but cannot be traded, though the weapons themselves and mats can be. So unless you have someone reliable to make you weapons you will want to level up the schematic(s) for a weapon(s) you like. Within a tier/star rating, the mats are the same regardless of level, so a one star level ten costs the same to make as a one star level one.
- Walls attract smashers. Ramps do not. This is why pyramids or inverted pyramids are so popular.
- Please do not be afraid to ask for help especially for stormshield defense (SSD). SSD's benefit helpers with mini llamas. Also you won't risk getting all your work wiped out if we're there to help.
- It's best to get out of Stonewood asap for many reasons but notably because you don't get 'research' accrual till then and that is a passive increase over time to your power level once unlocked. Most of the game's mechanics are unlocked once you get to Plankerton.
- Epic (purple) heroes are much better than rare (blue) heroes but legendary (orange) heroes only offer 5-8% more power than epics.
- As there is no way I know to reset upgrades (which you get somewhere around entering Plankerton) I would recommend the hover-turret and adrenaline surge and pretty much all of the passives. Notably the air strike seems to be a newb trap. Slow field is prized at end game by many. Teleporter is tricky to use. I never ever see the proximity mine used. Resource drop seems unuseful as it doesn't save that much time farming.
- V-Bucks are the buyable currency but you can earn them doing dailies and from your SSD defenses. They are mainly used to buy llamas (loot boxes) which change daily. While random, you can see what is in them before you buy them. What you mainly will want to buy will be legendary survivors and legendary heroes. While important, weapons and traps you will get in the normal course of play and the best ones come from events anyway.
- Gold is the non buyable currency acquired by doing missions in storm zones (purple tornados) and if you need a lot fast you can grind it out doing lots of missions. Gold is used to buy from the event store which has a seasonal section and a weekly section. In particular limited time (weekly or seasonal) availability event legendary heroes and weapons show up there. It's best to have enough gold (~3k) on hand to buy if something nice comes out and you may not have time to play that week. You can't buy gold so you can't toss real $ to get those event items. However over the course of a year most items will return.
- The current season is pirate themed and there are several nice heroes (notably Anti-Cuddle Sarah) to be gotten from the "Yarrr!" questline before the season ends. We'll be happy to help expedite this if anyone is interested.